Toquilla straw hats, recognized worldwide. We tell you more about the step by step in the elaboration of these beautiful hats.

馃搷 The toquilla straw hat is woven with the fibers of a peculiar palm tree that grows on the coasts of Ecuador.

馃搷The farmers of the coast grow the toquillales and collect the stems in order to later separate the fiber from the green bark, boiling the latter to eliminate the chlorophyll and then drying it with charcoal and sulfur to make it whiten.

馃搷 With this raw material, the weavers begin the weaving of the cup and the brim of the hat.

馃搷 The fabric of a hat can last from one day to eight months, depending on its quality and finesse.

馃搷 In the coastal community of Pile, weavers make extra-fine hats that require specific weather conditions and an exact number of stitches in each row of the fabric.

馃搷 Finally, the hat is washed and bleached before being ironed and baked.

The weavers are mostly peasant families and weaving techniques are passed on to children at home, through observation and imitation, from a very early age.

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